Live Album on VINYL + CD


Sister Speak – live at The Belly Up on CD and Vinyl Record.

Features live versions of 4 songs from each album, 3 new tracks and a bonus song!

SKU: LIVE2020VINYLCD Category:


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About the live album!

We recorded the entire show at The Stand EP Record Release at the Belly Up in San Diego last fall. The love and energy of everyone who showed up that night is something that we can hold dear for the rest of our lives!
The album features live versions of songs from each album, 3 new tracks and a bonus song!

When we received the recording we sent it off to our team and Alan Sanderson who was a huge part of the first two records put his magic touch on the mixes for twelve songs, and Brian Lucey livened it up even more with his mastering expertise. Sister Speak Record Release

Order the new Live album on CD, download or vinyl!